Friday, March 26, 2010

My FAVORITE Shakeology

Alright I made my all-time best shakeology ever last night and I just had to brag about and share...I made a youtube video on how to make it too - but umm...cant find my camera cord to upload it, bummer!

So, I started thinking I LOVE LOVE LOVE strawberry why not make a strawberry cheesecake chocolate shakeology? 

What you will need:
  • Sugar Free Fat Free Cheesecake Pudding mix (you can get this from almost all major grocery stores)
  • about a 1/2 cup - 1 cup of fresh strawberries - cleaned and cut
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk (or if you dont like soy milk use regular fat free or 2% and almond is great too)
  • 1 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology or 1 Package
  • Ice to taste 
I start by pouring the soy milk in first and then the shakeology...just so it doesnt get all clumped and stuck at the bottom, add the pudding mix, blend a little, then add in your strawberries and ice, blend it up real good (about 20 seconds) and BAM you have a HEALTHY dessert!