Monday, April 12, 2010

Just my thoughts...

Today has been a day of thinking.... I feel like my mind was totally in deep thought all day even if it didnt seem that way to others, I definitely was...

First I want to start off by saying fat and weight loss are not easy for most people out there trying to lose body fat and weight and have a healthy lifestyle. Lets be honest for a second you must make better nutritional choices and you have to get off your butt more often than running to the refrigerator, walking to the mailbox or looking for the remote.  This includes me, I have to work at it every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle, fuel my body with only the best nutritional choices as I also help others achieve their goals.

Sorry guys, but there are no magic pills, no magic diets, and no ab blasters will help you and your body lose fat. Thats too easy and if its that easy, then why is the U.S. so over weight?  Check out this article you will be completely shocked and my mission is to help make a difference, even if it is only in 1 person, its a difference - we should all think about this! 

Fat and weight loss is about the ratio of calories in vs. calories out. Simple right???  Well, most people think ok, if I eat 800 calories a day and workout 3 hours a day I will drop weight fast and get uber skinny...sure you might, but you will end up plateauing and gaining all, if not more weight back.  It means eat sensibly, have 5-6 smaller meals per day to balance the blood sugars, that will also keep the metabolism stoked, and exercise on a regular basis, which should include strength training to maintain and develop lean muscle mass. This too helps boost your metabolism.  Muscle is what burns the most calories - not eating stores fat and calories because you body has to "feed" off something to fuel it.  It is a scientific fact that when your calorie count suddenly drops, your body will compensate for the fact and your metabolism will slow down. As a result, you'll need fewer calories to maintain your weight. This is why so many people can lose weight quick at first and then no matter how hard they try they just cant! This is one of the most dangerous myths in the weight loss world. You literally have to eat yourself thin, not starve yourself thin.

Know your body...know your BMR, know how many calories a day you have to consume in order to achieve your weight loss doing this you will achieve! 

Count your calories, its so simple...I have an app on my iphone and there are websites as well that can help track your calorie intake!  DONT skip meals!  Drink a meal replacement shake, like Shakeology because you are guaranteed a healthy, full of nutrition and vitamins meal a day if you drink one!

Also, lift weights, HEAVY weights 3 times a week - build those muscles, you have's so important to have lean muscle mass in order to lose body fat the right way!  I am learning this as well and I am trying to lift more often than not.  A lot of women complain they will bulk wont, know your limits and you will have those sculpted muscles every woman dreams of having! I am on that journey now and would HIGHLY suggest ChaLean Extreme workout dvd's!